Bible Study 101 Project Homepage
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Implementation Team and Time Estimates

Personnel and Duties Estimated Time Requirement Costs

Instructor: Doug Wolfe

  • Teach course
  • Answer email
  • Troubleshoot instructional problems
  • Troubleshoot technical problems
  • Review & provide feedback on assignments
  • Miscellaneous activities


  • 2 hours
  • 2 hours
  • 1 hour
  • 1 hour
  • 1-3 hours
  • 1 hour
  • Total: 8-10 hours per week


None: volunteer

Mentor: Dave S.

  • Answer email
  • Troubleshoot instructional problems
  • Assist Doug as needed


  • 2 hours
  • 2 hours
  • 2 hours
  • Total: 6 hours per week


None: volunteer

Management: Church Session (Board of Elders)
  • Oversight of adult education program
  • Allocation of resources


Part of overall responsibilities


None: volunteer

Admininstrative Support: Lyda S.

  • Place announcements in church bulletin, website, Barn Blast weekly email newsletter
  • Assist with registration


  • 1 hour per course
  • 1 hour per course
  • Total: 2 hours


Salary determined by Session

Technical Support: Doug Wolfe

  • Maintain course LMS
  • Troubleshoot system-level problems


  • 4 hrs/course
  • 2hrs/course
  • Total: 6 hrs/course


None: volunteer


Final Preparations

Initial Learner Contact and Registration Responses
How will the WBI be advertised?

Advertising will be through the church website, Barn Blast weekly e-newsletter, church bulletin, Barn Minute announcement, and Sunday morning announcements

When does the WBI start/stop?

Pilot test course late September through early November; offer for a larger group mid-January through early March

Who makes the initial contact?

The instructor will make the initial contact, including sending a welcome email and instructions on how to sign in to the LMS

How are learners initially contacted?

Initial contact is via email; phone and in-person communication may also be used

How do learners know where/when to register? To access WBI?

Advertising will include registration information; instructions on how to access the WBI will be provided in the welcome email

How do learners identify the software or plug-ins that they will need? The welcome email will include information on software and plug-ins required
How do learners know their roles and responsibilities? This information will be included in the course materials
Who do learners contact for technical or administrative assistance? The course instructor will be the primary contact; a mentor will assist if available
How will learners obtain any support materials? All necessary materials will be included in the WBI
Technical Requirements Responses
How does the instructor access the WBI? The instructor will access the WBI through an instructor login on the LMS.
What software or plug-ins are needed to use the WBI? The only requirements are a reasonably modern browser and Adobe Reader. A list of supported browsers can be found on this page.
How does the instructor send and share documents or feedback on assignments? Documents are posted as download links on the WBI. Feedback is through assignment feedback features in the LMS.
How will instructor or learners access online skills training? Basic training in LMS use is provided through videos in the course introduction. The LMS also has tutorials and help features. A Questions discussion forum is also available.
How will the WBI team distribute support materials? Support materials are posted in the WBI.
How will instructor or learners report technical problems? Technical problems will be reported to the instructor/technical support through email and through the Questions forum. The LMS also has a feature that allows students to make comments directly on a page.
Participants Responses
How will learners, instructor, and mentor contact each other? Contact will be through email, the LMS messaging system, threaded discussion forums, and the student's reflection journal.
How are course expectations shared? Course expectations will be shared through the course syllabus and the welcome email. If needed, a FAQ will be created for potential students who are deciding whether or not to take the course.
How do learners and instructor share files? Files will be shared through postings in the WBI, a dropbox in the LMS, attachments to discussion postings, and email attachments.
Online Skills Training Responses
How will the instructor be trained? Doug has extensive experience as an online student and is the developer of the WBI. Doug is also near completion of EdTech 512 Online Course Design, which has provided extensive training. Additional training is generally not needed.
How will the mentor be trained? The mentor will be trained through a combination of face-to-face instruction by Doug and through tutorials available in the WBI and LMS.
How will learners be trained? Learners will be trained through videos in the course introduction and through tutorials provided by the LMS.


Course Management

Instructor Activity Strategies
Activate links

Enable links in LMS; notify learners when new modules are active

Establish deadlines

Share deadlines for assignments for groups taking the course; for individuals taking the course solo, mutually agree on a schedule

Find lost learners

Monitor student activity; contact those who are not participating regularly

Track learner participation, assignments, etc.

Monitor student activity through LMS tools

Technology problems Promptly respond to reports of problems; provide workarounds if problem cannot be quickly resolved
Monitor mentor activities Come to mutual agreement with mentor on roles, duties, schedules, and expectations; touch base via email or phone at least weekly
Mentor Activity Strategies
Monitor links Check for and report broken links; suggest replacements for broken links
Review assignments Assist instructor with reviewing learner assignments
Track learner participation, assignments, etc. Monitor student activity through LMS tools; assist in responding to discussion posts
Learner Activity Strategies
Identify class activities Review module activities early in the class session; make a list of activities to be completed
Participate in class activities Schedule time to complete class activities; log in regularly to check for updates; respond to posts from other learners
Complete class assignments Learn to use the Hand In/Dropbox feature; if using alternate assignment submissions (e.g., video), learn how to create and post them
