Your Task
You will need to write four or more diary entries totaling 1,000 words:

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Paper texture by ~TuxXtreme.
- At least one diary entry by a Union soldier just before the Battle of Gettysburg.
- At least one diary entry by the same Union soldier just after the battle.
- At least one diary entry by a Confederate soldier just before the battle.
- At least one diary entry by the same Confederate soldier just after the battle.
Your diary entries should
reflect the differing views and experience of each side in the battle and
- include details about parts of the battle (but remember that a soldier would have experienced only parts of the battle).
You may choose to write additional diary entries if you wish, or write several shorter entries before and after the battle for each soldier. You will also need to create a short biography for each soldier.
There are seven parts to the task:
- Learn about writing historical fiction.
- Conduct background research.
- Create a short backstory for each soldier.
- Write the diary entries.
- Have a classmate do a peer review of your diary entries.
- Use the evaluation rubric to check your diary entries.
- Submit your completed diary entries for a grade.
Details about each step are described in the Process section of the WebQuest.